Any person, young or old, can at times experience discomfort and unsureness in life.

It is at these times that the support of a qualified therapist or counsellor can be hugely helpful. Children and young people who experience difficulties in life, whatever they are, sometimes find it challenging or painful to express what they are thinking and feeling.

Working in whatever way enables a young person to move forward, often through play with younger children, can both enable expression of thoughts and feelings and discovery of helpful strategies to manage the often complex world of today’s young people.

The service offered by practitioners at Durham Therapy Centre is confidential unless there is any safeguarding issue (please ask for further details). The youngsters will understand that they can speak freely and be themselves with a qualified and experienced caring professional, who is independent from all areas of their life.

Engaging in the process of therapy or counselling at this early point in life could really make a difference to a young person’s future wellbeing. The value of a therapeutic relationship may make a difference to life experience, moving towards adulthood with balance, strength and empowerment and the confidence to be who they are.


Alison Eldridge
Jeannie Hardy
Jane Pearce
Stacey Rodgers – EGW North